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  • Writer's pictureDelaney Council

Starting a Blog

Starting a blog is something I preach to all of my small business clients. When you start a blog you are adding organic content to your website. If writing and sharing about your business and what you do seems like too much self promotion for you, you gotta get over it and get into shamelessly self promoting. And of course, here I am three years deep into Above 8000 Creative and I'm just starting our blog! I can say I've been to busy, but when it's for the betterment of your business then you need to make time. And, it is never too late to start! I am going to share some of my blog writing tips for you here.

But, what if I don't have time? If you don't think you can take the time to write a blog, then set a very realistic goal for yourself and then work your way up from there. I tell my clients, if you can commit to writing one blog post per month, that will help your business. Once you get into the hang of it and one post a month seems easy and you've worked it into your schedule, then up to to two posts per month and so on. The more posts you have, the more chances people have to stumble upon your business.

But, what do I write about? You can write about anything related to your business! If you're starting or own your own business, then you are an expert in your field right? Right! So, you should have plenty of stuff to say and knowledge to drop. Look at your blog as if you were having a conversation with a customer. What might they want to know?

What if I don't take high quality photos? Guess what, I can help you take high quality photos! Haha, that is what Above 8000 Creative is here for. If you don't have the funds at the moment and still want to shock people with an amazing blog, then look at stock photography. If your site is built on Wix, you have access to tons of stock photography for free. Guess what, the above photo is a stock photo! Did you have professional photos taken for your website? You could also use some of those as well.


You can always use your blog to announce weekly or monthly specials. Changes in seasonal items or holiday specials are also make for a great blog post.

But what if no one reads it? At first, people might not read it. You have to be okay with that and your ego has to be okay with that. It's okay if at first you don't gain a huge following from your blog. Look at it as an advertising tool for your business. You won't reach everyone or even lots of people with one small ad. But, the more ads you do, the more people you have the potential to reach. Think of blogging like free advertising. It doesn't cost you anything except your time!

What's my takeaway? Your takeaway is a blog is a great way to generate organic content to get your website seen by more people searching for what you do. Your blog can give you a way to connect to customers that is more personal, it can act as free advertising, and it can give you a creative outlet to share more about your business.

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